About Us
The Compton High School Alumni Association (CHSAA) was incorporated in the State of California on October 26, 2006. It was formed by a group of alumni wanting to make a positive difference in the lives of students. The initial Compton High School Alumni Association Board Of Directors (signatories to the California Articles of Incorporation) are: Deborah Spottsville, Kelvin Filer, Phyllis Wright Williams, Janis Wright Bradley, Sumire Gant, Mona Gregoire McClure, and Pamela Samuels-Young. The CHSAA evolved from the Tarbabe Task Force’s Organizational Action Team that brought alumni from coast to coast, from Atlanta and from Africa and from points in between, back to Compton to identify ways to give back to the School of Champions. From that effort, the first Compton High School Alumni Day was held on May 15, 2007, and a symbolic “sword” was passed from the Task Force to the CHSAA to carry out the mission long term. The CHSAA is a non-membership organization whose Board members serve staggered three-year terms. If you are interested in becoming a board member, please send your biography to comptonhighalumni@gmail.com. Board members are elected by the board at their annual meeting in March of each year.
The Compton High School Alumni Association (CHSAA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, tax-exempt, publicly supported organization under Section 501(c) (3) of the IRS Code. Board members act in an individual capacity and not as a representation of any political affiliation. Members’ political affiliations do not constitute an endorsement by the CHSAA. The CHSAA does not support, endorse, or oppose any political party or candidate. Any comments made by a board member acting in his/her individual capacity are personal and do not reflect the CHSAA’s views. The CHSAA’s primary objectives are:
- to provide funds for scholarships and for the benefit of the students and the school
- to offer educational programs which shall include academic, arts and music education, and field trips for the benefit of the students and alumni
- to sponsor and participate in existing community-service activities to foster volunteerism
- to sponsor social activities to foster connections with the Compton High School alumni, students, faculty and administration
- to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of Compton High School and its graduates

Compton High School Alumni Association Board of Directors